Thursday, August 2, 2007


Have you got one of those friends in life that truly brings every thing into perspective for you?

Ok, let's go back a little, I am not a huge horder of friends. I could honestly count the number of good, trusted and beloved friends I have and still have a couple of fingers left over. Perhaps much of that has been my lack of dedication to my friendships or a lack of interest in people that don't inspire me, a bit of both perhaps?

I have been lucky to have both male and female friends, and yes you can have a male friend and keep him as a friend. They have all made an impact on my life in very different ways, from proving to me that love is timeless and boundless and can still be fun 20 years down the road, to revelling in the moment and living life for life itself and that no mater where we are or what we have done, said or forgotten we are still their friend.

I have just read a friends blog about, of all things, Summertime! When he writes you feel like you are on a journey with him. You can imagine the lake, the sun, the friends and the experience and even now while he is in a war zone, protecting all of us while we sleep and go about our daily lives, he sees the beauty in the world around him. Even if he is covered in crude oil and salty water.

While reading his blog I realized just how privileged I am to be a part of his and my other friends memories, not only that, they form the backbone of some of my fondest life changing events.

To my friends, probably the few people who read these meandoring thoughts of mine, thank you for sticking with me, it is never an easy task but you are appreciated more than you know.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Go the Padres

OK, how did I forget to mention our night at the Baseball at PETCO Stadium, fantastic seats, hot dogs the works!!!! We sat just behind 3rd base seats on the grass basically........amazing and great for Babs to see her first Baseball game. We of course called Australia to let them know where and what we were doing...........

Oh, could life be any better?

Did I mention I went with Babs and Barb. Must be the name as they are both a scream!

Where has the time gone!

Wow, what a couple of weeks. I have just had my best girlfriend from Australia visiting for 10 days. Babs and I go way back, well not that WAY BACK as to make us look old......but way back enough. We actually didn't like each other at school, she was a cool jock and I was a choir member, non sporting, dork! I think that about covers it.

We spent the last week out looking around San Diego, shopping and catching up. She was a real trooper as we couldn't get out of town because of school etc. I had also arranged a surprise Birthday Party for a close friend and Babs was bloody fantastic at helping me get everything ready. We had arranged with her husband, who is in Iraq for a year, to have a ring made featuring the Birth Stones of each of her children, hers and her husbands. We had to find out her ring size, figure out the style and then get it ordered and delivered in 1 week........the CIA could not have pulled this off with as much precision. I had asked her and another friend over for dinner so she had no idea that there would be 8 of her closest friends for a 4 course sit down dinner outside, with champagne and a pretty good meal (if I do say so myself). We had also had a poster collage of photos made up, pics from family around the USA, another logistical milestone....and a live video hookup with her husband, which if you know me, the technically challenged chick, was impressive to say the least. She walked in and her husband was on the computer screen and then told her we had a present for her!!!!! Worked like clockwork, except the ring was 48 hours late and we had to use a note and similar was worth all the work for the look on her face when she saw her husband.

Apart from the party, we also had Gym for Allie, the beginning Summer Preschool, registration for Kindergarten, work, work, work and the usual Wednesday night BBQ, Friday night Cocktails, washing of cars, mowing of lawns, cleaning of house etc, etc, etc.

Oh, did I mention the day of shopping with Babs..........we did us girls proud.....!

Anyway, will try and be a better blogger over the next few weeks.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Girl's Night Out

Sad to say that we have all grown old enough to start talking about 'Young Folk' when we go to a party!

Last night was our monthly Bunko event, if you don't know Bunko look it up on the Internet as it would take far to much time to explain, and we were treated to a great evening. K & K hosted this time and we were greeted by a long-stem yellow rose upon arrival by two well dressed young men......... The food was fantastic and we spent such a great time chatting and eating that when we looked at the clock it was past nine and we hadn't even started to play.....needless to say we just talked, ate and drank.............

Subjects covered included, how we met our other half, younger Marine wives, husbands, Iraq etc. I can say with great pride that Paris Hilton did not feature in one personal opinion is that she is an oxygen thief and a waste of space on a highly overcrowded planet......but that's is just my opinion.

I think we got home about 11:30 last night, not to shoddy for mums with little kids at home. Of course my ever vigilant children were aware mum would be nursing a slight headache and awoke with the birds at 5:30AM!

So far today we have been to an appointment, picked up cash, CJ had a hair cut, we have washed Al's car and cleaned out the garage and now we are off to a movie with some other little people. Oh, the life of a deployed spouse, continuous fun! Did I mention I still need to clean, wash, change beds, mow and wash the truck!!!!!

Anyway, I will leave you all to enjoy your wonderfully happy, relaxing lives and get to work!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Ok, so call me old fashioned and a little slow on the uptake, but today I used Messenger for the first time and it rocks. I feel 10 years, no 20 years younger, hip even! I had a chance to chat with a friend who is serving in Iraq and it was great trading insults for 20 or so minutes. Ok we chatted most of the time and were rather polite.

I love technology, even if I am 5 years behind everyone else, slow and steady..........blah, blah, blah.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My Fantastic Job - selling Orion!

Ok, so this is blatant advertising, but I just can't help it. I work for the most amazing company, Orion Expedition Cruises. Orion is a 5 Star ship that visits areas such as Antarctica, PNG, the Kimberley and New Zealand and I get to talk about her all day! Life is pretty good..........

It always pays to check closing times!

Once again I have attempted to cluster errands and have failed immensely!!!
With the new School Year looming (I know Summer hasn't even started yet) I need to get all the registration paperwork completed, that means shots. Shots that I have been putting off for several weeks as I know that two children with shots is worse than having a root canal! Trust me! So I gather up my not so happy children and cart them off to the hospital. I think, what could be easier, I need to pick up a prescription so we can do both jobs at once.

NO, Immunizations closes at 3:00, great timing guys, most kids don't get out of school until 3:00pm and if you work it is even harder. We arrived at 3:15, sorry can't help you come back tomorrow! If only they understood how hard it was to get two kids into a car, get them to the hospital and get them inside, all with a husband that is deployed. I know, wah wah way, what a whiny wife.

Anyway needless to say we missed the office by 15 minutes, so no shots and then it tool 45 minutes to pick up a prescription, all with two not so happy kids.......

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

So much to say so little time!

Wow, what a weekend......

Sunday included a lovely lunch for the OWC (Officers Wives Club) at the Ranch House on Camp Pendleton. This was a wonderful opportunity for us to view the historic Ranch House and to meet members of the EWC (Enlisted Wives Club). For some insane reason I allowed my friend Barb to talk me into becoming the Fundraiser this year.....actually she walked up and down our street and convinced nearly everyone to take a position......might as well call it the MRR Gang!!!!

The meeting itself was wonderful, sitting on the porch overlooking the gardens, which includes a bougainvillea that has it's own historic marker....... Lunch was prepared and presented by the General, don't see that every day!

It was a very pleasant way for the two Club's to come together to discuss 2007/8 activities. Not sure we accomplished a lot but we at least know where we all stand.........


I am not sure if there is some funky Lunar Cycle at present but my daughter wet her bed again (she will kill me if this blog is still around in a few years) and therefore ended up in my bed from 11:30 on. This would be ok if she slept, however, she not only talks in her sleep but plays out her dreams, including beating up bad guys............move over mummy! So again a sleepless night as her bed was stripped and in the washing machine, mine was a war zone and the couch, well if you read the previous Blogs, you would remember that I am waiting to get that cleaned as well.


Ok, I am not American but I guess there is very much a list of restaurants that folks see as sub standard........not appropriate to be seen in, and I guess that poor old Denny's is one of them. A friend and I took the kids after Gym for a quick dinner (we didn't need to cook yet another meal on our own) at the aforementioned restaurant (food distribution center) and on the way home ran into a neighbour who advised us that she "would not eat at Denny's" as she was a "Restaurant Snob". It made me wonder, what is the proper restaurant hierarchy to follow when one lives in Snobby Acres(nickname for our housing area) am I lowering my standards or am I being realistic and taking a quick respite when I have the opportunity? This is a perplexing question and one that requires deep meditative I now hang my head in shame for eating at such an establishment or hold my head high as I break the social I care?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

To Pee or not To Pee?

Ok, so Saturday started off well. My son decided at 2:00am to join me in bed because he heard a coyote outside.....that's ok but then his sister came in at 3:00 because she wanted a cuddle. At 4:00pm I relocated to Connor's bed and at 6:00am I was awoken with "Sorry mum I had an accident" and what is for breakfast? Of course our bed is the only bed in the house without a mattress protector so hours of endless washing and cleaning later......

That takes us to that evening. Two squeaky clean children watching a little movie (Saturday Movie Night) prior to bed, mum doing some work on the computer. Daughter falls asleep on the new couch and PEES all over it. Needless to say they never have accidents and I had two in one day.

Now I need to have a professional cleaner come in and look at the couch!

I will not even go into what else whent on on Saturday, but it was a hectic weekend and I am glad that Sunday night has arrived. I know that in a few years I will look back at this experience and laugh and laugh and laugh......just now I am not seeing the humor in it.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

School Auction

Lesson: Never attend a school fundraiser with a group of women! You always spend more than you intended to. After purchasing what seemed like an endless supply of Chinese Auction tickets I was once again left empty handed, while the man sitting at the table behind us won 5 prizes. 'To Las Vegas young man' we all shouted! 'You are on a winning streak'.

I did walk away with the Preschool Gift Basket full of great Kindergarten toys and books for a reasonable sum.....let's just say I supported the school. A good friend got a great deal on a holiday, lucky bugger and I had to hold myself back when the watch came out.

Anyway, a great night was had by all. Wonderful conversation, Mikes Hard Lemonade and good Mexican food, what more could you ask for?

Jessica 2 - Squirrels 0

Our amazing Australian Cattle Dog Cross has captured her second Squirrel. One would think that they would have figured out by now that she is stealthy, fast and deadly. It seams that the lure of the bird feeder is just to much for them!

I must admit that I loath picking up Squirrel carcasses from the lawn and that the kids don't like the garbage bin as a final resting place for the silly Squirrel (that is the name use for all squirrels).

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Morning Walk

Well another day closer to Al coming home!!!!

It is a beautiful morning, cool and slightly overcast, that California June Gloom in May......I have just taken Jess for a long walk around our base housing area, always fun as you get to chat with folks you haven't seen for a while, watch out for rabbits, squirrels and the occasional rattlesnake and take in the sites and sounds.

So many of the families have Marines away, it is a surprise to see a man around! These are amazing women and the more you learn about them the more you admire their sacrifice. Not only have most given up promising careers to follow their Marines from base to base and sometimes from country to country, but they always have a smile on their face and an encouraging word to help get their neighbors through.
For example just on my street we have one mum (don't get upset that is how it is spelt in Australia) that has a PHD and 3 Masters, another finishes her Masters degree in two weeks and she has a new baby and a 3 year old, is a KVC (Key Volunteer Coordinator and now the Club President. Another wife has 4 wonderful kids in a 3 bedroom home, a degree in Special Education and is a KVA. Others home school! With all their other commitments they all still have time to volunteer, take kids to sports, help friends and support their spouse. Ok, so they are not superhuman and their are mums in the civilian world with hectic schedules as well, but they don't lay their head on their pillow every night and pray that their husband is not in harms way, that he will email them soon, or perhaps call and that he stays safe until he comes home.

A friend recently was faced by the loss of Marine in her husbands unit. She visited the family, taking groceries, playing games with the children and providing support, all the while she said she was shaking inside and wondering how she would hold it together. We watch our friends do these amazing things, knowing that in all our hearts we have the same fears and dare not speak about the unthinkable.

These women are so strong, resilient and supportive. But I sometimes wonder at what cost, sometimes the carers need a little care as well.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mrs Robinson Not

Busy week, busy day. LA on business, back to the commissary to get ready for our Wednesday night "Wives with Husbands In Iraq" BBQ. I drove Alec's car up to LA, wow I love speed....don't tell him that! Arrived back at the Commissary and there was a car wash, the Marines hold a lot of these to raise funds for their Units, so I thought why not support the Marines and save myself a job. For the first time in ages I was dressed in something other than mummy clothes, had makeup and cute shoes, always a plus. How can a lady drive by 20, twenty something Marines in shorts and singlet shirts and not get her car washed. I must admit that they were playing their music a little loud and I am not sure the band was alive when I went to high school, but it was worth the $20.00 I paid out....yes, I was overcome by the moment and decided to shell out $20.00. In hindsight I was a little loose with my cash but it was worth watching 10 Marines wash my Husbands car.......who was I to tell them it wasn't mine.........and the song as I drove away, Tequila Makes the Clothes Come Off.....couldn't tell you the band on that one.

Some of the wives on my street said that by the end of 7 months even our gardeners will look cute...not sure on that one but I will probably have my car washed at least once more before Al comes home, just for the fun of it. Come on even us older chicks need to do a little window shopping from time-to-time.

Has it been 3 months?

So much for good intentions! I had promised myself I would start this blog the day Alec left for that place in the sand, but between work, home and the busy schedule I have set to keep our minds busy I have just not started.

Deployments, where to start! I must admit that I do get a little angry at politicians who seem to talk about deployments with such detachment. As a Marine wife we face 7 month or 1 year deployments, at present. My heart breaks for the wife of an army spouse and the amount of time they are away.

The day that Alec left I was driving home from their departure site at 5:30am, the sun was rising and I was looking off the base towards homes just outside the base gate. I must admit I felt angry that the biggest decision most of those folks had for the day was if they would stop at Starbucks for coffee or not and here I was sending my husband off to war! I am over that now but still wonder if most American's even notice the sacrifice being made, it is so easy to change the channel.